The Birthday Boy

We had an Olympic themed birthday party this year.  Unfortunately it was SO HOT that we decided to forego the structured games we had planned (3 legged race, weaving through the cones, "discus" throw, and a few others) and just brought out the water toys.  The kids had no idea they missed the games, they just had a great time!  I know that Samuel is very excited that he is now 3, and tells just about everyone that he comes in contact with!  I love you buddy, you are awesome!

I made cupcakes and put them in the form of the olympic rings.  Samuel has been asking about his party for about a week now, so he was thrilled to see his cupcakes when he woke up.  He kept saying, "mommy, when my friends get here I am going to have my party and eat my cupcakes".  Here he is counting the  red ones

this awesome water park was great for the babies, they enjoyed splashing and grabbing at the water.

Charlie and Hadley playing together

I just loved June's face at the bottom of the slide

Samuel and his best lady friend!  I said to smile and he says cheese with his mouth full and she makes a crazy silly face!  So typical, but so sweet!  I have enjoyed watching these two grow up together!

Sweet Hadley...I think this was her 5th piece of watermelon, she kept finding wedges and eating them...she just loved it!

Charlie's first "food" in true form!  He wasn't so sure about it, but he did enjoy it after a few minutes

Of course all the kids would climb the stairs and then slide down.  Samuel decided to JUMP off the top of the slide into the water!  He is such the dare devil, it scares me sometimes!

The wind picked up about 5 minutes before we went outside, so it was pretty difficult to light the candles!

Samuel, and the boys, blew out the candles first, and then we sang happy birthday!

Samuel LOVED it when we sang to him, he did sing with us during most of it, but he then also got so excited that it was HIS birthday and this was HIS birthday cupcakes.

What are friends for?  I love Charlotte's face and that Samuel had no problem helping her lick her frosting off her cupcake!

We nixed the games, but still had a water balloon fight.  The kids had a great time throwing the balloons.  The dads, of course, threw the balloons at each other and the wives stayed nice and dry under the tent, in the shade.

Charlie's lady friend, Hadley.  These 2 are 4 months apart, excited to see them grow up together just like their older brother and sister!

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