Gingerbread Houses Galore

We continued our gingerbread house decorating party this year.  It was a great time with some friendly competition.  The kids all loved participating this year and there were some great houses!  When we began talking about decorating our house with Samuel a few weeks ago he talked on and on about making a fire station (of course!).  He has given us his ideas for days and even made sure over and over that I made his house a fire station, not just a house.  He was creative and so proud of his house!

their house was frosty the snowman and even came with sweet girls singing...loved it!

The final product.  The Powell house fire station.

I just love seeing all of the kids admiring the houses.  Such a sweet moment!

The Carpenter's birdhouse won and LK was so proud! 

Samuel told me all about his house again this morning as I was making breakfast!  I am so proud of his creativity and excitement for things he loves!

And proof that Henry was a part of all of it...just tired of me taking pictures of him!  

1 comment:

Kathryn said...

Love reading about your sweet family. The picture of Henry is hilarious.
Merry Christmas! Kathryn