Happy Birthday John

John's birthday was a while ago, but we decided to celebrate his birthday while our parents were in town.  Samuel was VERY excited about having birthday cake, making it with BeBe and eating lots of batter and yummy blue icing!  BeBe and Samuel make a great baking team and have so much fun together!  Happy Birthday Uncle John, we love you!

Grandmommie sampled the icing just to make sure it was worth eating.  She definitely approved!

As did Samuel and his now blue tongue!

Samuel ate dinner before the rest of us so he and John had some cake together before dinner, that's why there is a huge piece cut out!  John figured it would just not be right for Samuel to have dessert all by himself. Isn't he so thoughtful!?

This is horrible lighting, but as a gift to my mom John decided to get rid of his beard.  He's been looking like quite the hobo these days, so a nice shave was welcomed!

Looking so much better!

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