First Day of Preschool

Today was a very exciting day in the Powell house.  Samuel started preschool.  We have been talking about it for a few weeks now and until just a few days ago Samuel wasn't showing any signs of being excited or scared or really any kind of emotions.  Since Sunday he has been asking every day if he could go to school today.  Well the day finally came and he reacted very differently than I had expected.  
Since we have been talking about preschool we have been talking about having new classmates, new teachers, and fun things to do.  We have been talking about how he needed to make sure he was following directions and that he was kind to his new friends.  We have been reciting a few Bible verses and praying them together.  Our favorite ones, in regards to preschool, are...

Philippians 2:14  Do everything without arguing or complaining.
Matthew 5:9 Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.
Proverbs 20:11 Even a child is known by his deeds.

We have been talking about following directions and obeying his teachers the first time he is asked to do something.  We have also been talking a lot about how to treat his friends and that he should treat them with kindness, and to be a peacemaker.  Samuel has also been learning that others see him and how he acts and that he should behave in a way that demonstrates Jesus and the love he has for others.  

I have been a little apprehensive about how he will act in a class with 15 other children and will continue to pray daily that he has so much fun, that he is kind and listens well.  I was so excited for today and a little anxious for the report I would get from his teachers.  Samuel is so full of energy that sometimes he just doesn't know how to let it out and that is why I knew he was ready for preschool, but it also made me a little nervous that I would have the crazy kid in the class.  I know that time will tell, but our prayers will continue with him and on our own.  We know that Samuel will be learning more about Jesus at preschool and we will be able to build on that at home and for that we are so thankful!

Samuel decided that when I was going to take his picture that he was going to "be shy" and didn't quite want to cooperate.  He cried a lot this morning before we left the house, which is totally out of character for him.  I began to worry that there were going to be many tears shed for the rest of the morning.  He did pull it together when we got to the "donut store" for his "special treat breakfast".  When we got to school he was all smiles and was very ready to go to his classroom, wear his "backback" inside like all the other kids, play on the pirate ship and to head into his classroom to play toys.  I am glad he got back to his happy self once we got to school.  It certainly made it much easier for me to leave!

This picture really isn't that great, it's mainly to show how HUGE that backpack is on our little guy!

The ship that resides right outside Samuel's classroom.  I have a feeling his teachers are going to have quite the struggle getting him away from the ship!

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