Charlie's Birth

Charles "Charlie" Robert Powell was born on Wednesday, December 7 at 4:24 in the afternoon. To say this labor/delivery was much better than Samuel's is the understatement of the year! First of all my due date was the 4th, so I was already eagerly awaiting Charlie's arrival. We went to see our doctor on Monday and began talking about an induction. I was somewhat hesitant, but anxious at the same time. My induction with Samuel led to a 22 hour labor, an epidural that didn't work and lots of pain. Needless to say I wasn't super ready to jump at the opportunity for another induction. Our doctor assured us that second children come faster, even with an induction, and that it was probably best to induce sooner than later based on how big Samuel was at birth. So we set the date, I was to report at the hospital at 5am on Wednesday.

I got ready to go in and called the hospital but they told me to hold off until 8, so we rested a little more (and by we, I mean Ryan!) and then loaded up the van and headed out! They broke my water at 10 and my contractions started to get a little stronger and more consistent. Our friend from church, who happens to be an anesthesiologist, just happened to be working at the hospital that morning and came for a visit. He kindly offered to put in my epidural for me, which was so kind! Right after the epidural was in they started me on a little pitocen to get the contractions more regular and stronger, and man did it work! Within about 20 minutes they were VERY strong and coming closer together. The epidural kicked in and I was able to nap for about an hour and a half before it was time to push. Our awesome nurse came to check me and at first I was 7cm dilated, then moments later she said, "no, I think you're about 8" and then seconds later, "and now you're 9, let's have this baby!". Ryan happened to be out in the hall talking with one of our friends, so I texted him to make his way back here, that our little man was on his way!

A few pushes later and Charlie was here. Moments after he was born, before we could cut the chord, it broke, causing Charlie to loose some fluids/blood. He was quickly taken to the incubator and the Neonatal nurses came in to check on him. Because, though it was a "small" amount, Charlie lost fluids they took him down to the NICU to monitor him. We were certainly concerned, but knew he was in good hands. After 24 hours he was given the OK to leave the NICU and come up to the room with Ryan and me. We stayed another night in the hospital so Charlie could continue to be monitored, and then came home on Friday afternoon.

Charlie has been a wonderful addition and the best Christmas present to date! He is sleeping well, eating well, and overall very happy!

Samuel giving Charlie a "chiss"
BeBe meeting Charlie
Samuel telling us where Charlie is.
What a good big brother. Sharing Daddy's phone already! Let's see if this keeps up!
The very proud big brother
Just hanging out

Getting ready to come home from the hospital
We made it home

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