Annual Gingerbread House Party

I was asked if I was crazy several times the week of Charlie's birth. You see, we have had our Gingerbread House Party every year we have lived in Wilmington, and I was determined to do it again this year, regardless if I did happen to come home with a new baby the day before! We had a great time! My mom and I made all the houses the week of Thanksgiving and got everything ready and laid out just before Ryan and I left for the hospital. Fun was definitely had by all!

We have turned our little decorating party into quite the competition. The rules are that each family can bring one "extra secret" item but was left to share all the goodies/decorating items that were on the counter. We have one hour to decorate and then a chance to describe our masterpieces. This year we were amazed once again by the creativity of our friends. We, thanks to the craziness of our lives this year, didn't quite strategize and just created a "normal" house, but we are happy with it!

DJ and Sherry claimed the title of "Decorator Extraordinaire" once again this year with their incredible house. They let their boys decorate the outside and they created a family home on the inside, complete with iPhone fireplace! Way to go! Next year Ryan and I will have to bring our A-game!
Anthony and Shelley and their girls made a bus and in their explanation Caroline sand the "Wheels on the Bus" song. It was adorable!
Jacob may have eaten more candy than he put on the house, but that is part of the fun!
Samuel also had his share of candy, and daddy's share, and mommy's share and Charlie's share. He ate more candy that night than maybe all the days of his sweet little life! He had a blast!
Charlie even joined in!
The Carpenter girls convinced Parks to create a Pink Palace, complete with a beautiful ballerina! Good thing he is ok with PINK, he's going to be surrounded it for a LONG time!
Snatching some more candy! Pretty creative, he pushed his toy table over so he could reach the counter!
The Laniers creating their "love nest"
The winning house. Horrible picture, certainly doesn't do it justice!
LK holding Charlie. She is so sweet with the babies and is always wanting to hold one of them. She is a great big sister and I am sure will make a great babysitter and mom one day!

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