Catching Sweet and not so Sweet Moments!

Samuel's BeBe bought him some balls a while back and as a fun "big brother" gift she got another bag to make our little pool a little more full! Samuel and Daddy had a blast last night playing in the ball pit, throwing the balls so they hit the fan and fly across the room, and jumping off the side of the bed into the pool. Well fun was had by all...until Samuel fall in the balls and banged his head on the side of the bed. We have quite the cut and a BIG swollen eye. There were lots of tears and hugs last night, a fight to put a bandaid on the side and ice, but we made it through!

Today his eye is black and blue but doesn't seem to bother him! He even asked for the balls first thing when he woke up, so the memory of the pain must be gone!!! I walked towards his room this afternoon and I found this sweet picture of BeBe and Samuel doing a puzzle. He is learning to recognize his letters so well and even other words that start with those letters! I love my big "buddy" so much and it is so fun to see how he is developing!

Check out that bruiser! A story to tell for sure! He seems to be unfazed by it!

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