Playing at the Park

After Ryan got off work today we headed to the park. It was EXTREMELY comfortable, given our recent hot weather! We had a great time following Samuel around, realizing what the dare devil he really is and just laughing a lot together! Looking forward to fall and enjoying some more afternoons as a family of 3! We do love our time together! I know this is a picture overload, but it was hard to choose just one!

Samuel climbing the big kid ladder! Probably in the midst of saying "Mommy help"
He was a little unsure at the beginning, but after daddy's help realized he could do it on his own! We certainly have a little monkey on our hands!
So sweet!
Posing with mommy! After I sat down I realized it's hard to climb on playground equipment when pregnant!
He LOVES to say cheese, but doesn't always look at the camera! This was after he said cheese while looking away!

He would get to the top and then look at me and say "Mommy Jump!". Ryan got a few good mid-air pics!
My two sweet boys! They play so well together! I just love it!
Samuel wanted to climb the wall...Ryan tried to help him and this is what happened! I think Samuel really just wanted to be at the top with daddy!

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