Is there a difference?

Several people have been asking me if this pregnancy has been different. Am I smaller or larger than last time? Are my cravings the same? All those wonderful questions that we get asked as we go through pregnancy! So here it goes!

This pregnancy had DEFINITELY been very different. I was sick ALL DAY with this little guy during the first trimester and even more so the first few weeks of the second trimester. I am definitely feeling better now! I am not 100% (you be the judge) but by looking at the two pictures below, I feel like I was a little bigger with Samuel at this point...strange because usually the 2nd is bigger! I am measuring right on target though, so I'm definitely not complaining! With Samuel I didn't want strawberries, wanted greasy/nasty fast food (thank goodness that is over...ate more McDonalds in those months than I did probably in my whole life!). This time I haven't craved the greasy food (except for breakfast) but can't stand corn on the cob, and struggle sometimes to eat a salad, but otherwise everything tastes good! Weight gain is about the same. I have gained 4 pounds as of now and at this point with Samuel I was about 6...nothing to complain about!

I am definitely not paying as close attention to everything about this pregnancy as I did with Samuel...something about chasing a 2 year old around all day makes me forget sometimes that I am pregnant! I have a sweet friend here that is pregnant and due 2 days before me, so she is often my calendar (I always ask her "Shaunna, how far along are we?"). She informed me just the other night that we are coming up on 6 months this weekend, so that's good to know!!! It does seem to fly by faster the second time around, I guess I just have other things to focus on as well as this baby!

We still haven't settled on a name, but don't you worry...we are keeping it a secret! You'll just have to wait til this little guy arrives to know who he'll be! Just a little something for Ryan and I to be excited about and that is just "ours".

Samuel at 6 months
Baby 2 at 6 months!

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