
I am 20 weeks along, seems like it took a long time to get to the halfway point, but now I want to hold on to the sweet time I have left with Samuel as my only child! This pregnancy has been COMPLETELY different than my first, but we made it to the halfway mark and I am thankful to FINALLY be feeling better!

Well to the exciting part! Last Tuesday Ryan and I went to the doctor for the big ultrasound! Baby 2 is doing very well, growing well, moving well, and looks very healthy. I had been told that I would feel it move earlier this time around, mainly because I would know what to "feel for". They were right! I have been feeling a lot of movement inside and just recently have been able to feel the moves by touching my stomach! Ryan hasn't felt it yet, but he will soon enough!

Finally, we did find out what we were having! Many people had lots of thoughts:
1. this is a different pregnancy, it must be a girl!
2. Surely you won't break the mold (almost all of our friends have 3 girls, or 3 boys), so same gender it had to be!
3. Others were hoping for one or the other: boy/girl

And the verdict....Samuel is going to have a little BROTHER!!! We are excited to add to our "basketball team", which Ryan concluded (since the women's world cup has been going on) it should be our "soccer team"...I quickly reminded him I didn't plan to have 11 children! We will just see!


Kathryn said...

Life is different with more than one, but so wonderful. I remember wondering if I could love another child as much as the first..the answer is a big YES! Enjoy these sweet days with Samuel.

Greta said...

Such great news! Glad everything looks good :).
I love having boys!!