Our Little man is here!

Samuel David Powell has arrived. I am just writing a short update now because the family is here, but soon I will give you some history behind his name! Now just for some fun new baby facts. I went to the hospital on Wednesday and was admitted at 7:30am. They broke my water around 9 and started the petocin around 11. It took a while for me to reach 10 cm, but at 2am on Thursday we thought we were ready to push. Unfortunately after 45 minutes we found out that he really hadn't descended as much as we had thought so I stopped pushing. by this point my epidural had worn off for the 2nd time so they gave me a little bit more and also an antibiotic for something, i was a little out of it! I started pushing again around 4:45 and by 5:18am Samuel had made his appearance into this big old world! He weighed 8lbs 15.4 oz and was 21.5 inches long! Needless to say, he's a big boy, but is absolutely perfect! We stayed in the hospital until Friday around 5 and then made our way home!!!

1 comment:

The Wyatts said...

SO sweet! Congratulations! Can't wait to see more pics and hear more about his name. Love you!