The Fountain

What is cooler than looking at a beautiful fountain? Well to a two year old it is attempting to get into said fountain and playing around. My mom did an amazing job of following Samuel around this fountain for about 10 minutes to try to keep him out of it! I was glad I had extra clothes on hand, just in case! Mom was successful though, we came away with just one wet foot/pant leg! Go BeBe!

The initial introduction to the fountain.
Testing the water, and his boundaries
Thinking that if he just moved fast enough he could get out of her reach and jump right in.
Weighing the options/consequences. I think he thinks that getting in and playing far outweighs the consequences of the COLD water.
Yep, that foot went right in and splashed around a little
Trying to squat down and jump right in
Telling mommy "I did it, mommy, I did it!" (the splashing with his foot that is!)

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