Brotherly Love

We finally have a cold day here and so I decided it best for us to hang out inside, and I also decided to try my hand at potty training Samuel (more on that later). After Charlie got his 10 am feeding we decided to have some time on the floor together. Samuel is becoming more and more interested in what Charlie is doing, wanting to check out Charlie's booboo (his umbilical chord) and climbing up on his crib to say "good morning Charlie" after each nap. I am so excited to see these boys grow up together!

This is how Samuel holds Charlie. He says "knees mommy" and puts his legs out so Charlie can lay across them.
Teaching Charlie how to say "arrrrr" like a true pirate!
Sharing some "Chisses"
Very proud that he gave Charlie a hug
Bright eyed and trying to push his head up

1 comment:

Kathryn said...

Precious children. Enjoy these innocent days of loving & playing together. Pray that it continues once Charlie is mobile!!