Bob Villa's Work

The bunk beds are complete! I am so proud of Ryan. He worked really hard to find the best plan for creating his masterpiece! He became a carpenter as of January this year, building his first work bench, and decided to take on quite the challenge of making Samuel's bunk beds! They are AWESOME! I am so proud of him!
All the wood laid out waiting to be sanded and stained!

the frame put together in the room because it wouldn't fit through the door! I hope we don't plan to move it anytime soon!
Samuel had a lot of fun weaving in and out of the planks of wood!
Standing up waiting for the mattresses. Samuel was so excited to climb all over them!
I was vacuuming up all the dust from Ryan's drilling and Samuel decided he wanted to help!
Final product! Still need a comforter for the top bunk, but here they are in all their glory!!!


The Carpenters said...

it looks GREAT, I'm so glad he did them himself, well worth it & now you can tell Samuel, "Daddy made these!"

Shelley said...

Wow...very impressive job Ryan!