And the verdict is...

Well, Greta was the only one brave enough to send in a you win by default! The picture above shows the groceries I bought on Wednesday. The grand total before taxes and store discounts & coupons was $107.10 I walked away with a receipt that showed that I spent $4.72 and a new coupon to use on my next visit for $2.50. So I'd say I did pretty great! Thanks Liz for getting me into this, and my pantry and human garbage disposals (Ryan and John) thank you too!


The Carpenters said...

What's wrong with me - why didn't I get over here and make a guess?! I would have guessed more though, maybe around $8 - ahh, we're good at what we do :)

Where in the World are the Powells said...

So True~ Thanks for your wisdom and guidance!