This is how we do it

When Ryan and I started dating we (my brothers, dad and I) decided that we would test him to see if he would really fit in the family. Our first Christmas together Ryan came over at the beginning of January to take part in the festivities. My brothers collected our tree and a few others from the neighborhood, dug a few holes in the backyard, and placed the trees in them. With a little help of some gasoline (not that we needed it) the trees went up in flames. It was AWESOME! So, needless to say that the pyro in him has come out and has been itching for just the right moment. Now, I know you're thinking, "It's February and they still have their
tree???" and the answer is yes. It has been sitting in our garage (in place of Ryan's car, because it is just that important) getting dry, bone dry! My dad was in town this weekend, so Ryan felt this was the perfect time. After John got home from work we got everything set up. This time there was no gasoline involved, which is fine-the tree went up in flames in less than 5 seconds. Below are some great pictures!
About 10 seconds into the ignition.
Let's say about second 18.

25 seconds in and it was over about 10 seconds later!


Pam Burrus said...

Oh we are SOOOOOOO doing this!!!! We have a Christmas Tree graveyard in our backyard... wonder how long the tree from 3 years ago will take to burn ;) Wish it worked on pumpkins - got anything fun to do with those??

Laura said...

Y'all are awesome.