Count your blessings

I learned some really important things this week:

I am blessed! I am very blessed! I am so incredibly blessed!
I LOVE Chick-fil-A.
I am so thankful for a company that has had a successful year.
I praise God for a company where the executives pray during their business meetings.
I love my husband. I love my mom (for watching Samuel for several days). and I love my baby boy!
I love snow in small amounts.
We need to spend more time praying for our president and government officials whether we agree with what they do or not...they NEED our prayer!
Tim Hawkins is HILARIOUS (check him out on will laugh for hours)
I miss my friends.
God is good ALL THE TIME!!!

Ryan and I went to DC this past week for Chick-fil-A seminar. We got a few hours to walk around and do some touristy things.

Ryan was afraid you wouldn't be able to see the Washington Monument, so we had to squat.
The National Archives are a pretty amazing thing. I got goosebumps being in a room full of so much history!
The Cake boss made a cake for CFA. Not super great, thought the cow was MAJOR inappropriate...but it works I guess!
Becca and I didn't want to stand in line for an hour to take a picture with Buddy (I honestly and not a fan at all...he's really rude), so we settled for the sigh instead!

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