Our little Praise baby!

I asked for some Praise Baby DVDs for Samuel for Christmas and my mom delivered! We were given one from some sweet friends right when Samuel was born and he LOVES it. They are great because they keep his attention and give me about 30 minutes to get some stuff done. I try to put one in maybe once or twice a week and they are the best 30 minutes of Samuel's day. As you will see he is in his bouncer...which he loves and is NEVER still, except when he is watching his PB. It brings me a lot of joy to see him enjoying the video and also hearing praise songs, I hope he soaks in the words and will sing them as he gets older! Thanks mom (and Joe and Abby)!

1 comment:

The Wyatts said...

I love Praise Baby too. The songs are so pretty and worshipful and not annoying like so many of the kid movies/songs out there! Glad you are getting some "get some stuff done" time. That is a blessing!