Fall Festival

We had our annual Fall Festival at church last night.  Samuel was so excited to dress up as an astronaut and was even more excited to see "his mermaid" (that's what he called Charlotte all night).  Charlie had a great time crawling around in the grass and checking out the festivities.  Samuel's favorite things based on our conversation on the way home (in order): "the mermaid, I got to be an astronaut, the hay ride, going down the bouncy slide, eating my hot dog so I could have the chocolate cupcake, and getting candy because I said trick or treat.  Mommy, may I have my candy now?"  Needless to say it was a great evening.

That's one small step for man...(no he didn't take a step, but he is standing on his own these days)

Samuel and Charlotte posing for the camera! These two are just too much!

Sister mermaids

Daddy and Charlie on the hayride

Samuel wanted to sit in my lap the whole time.  He kept saying "that man is driving crazy" (our pastor was the tractor driver)

Yes, all astronauts need a hula hoop!

family photo op!  Maybe when they're 15 we can get them to look at the camera

Samuel's first "captain candy"

Samuel and Charlotte playing together

"trunk or treating"

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