Our new pet

We found our new friend in the yard tonight as we were checking out how our garden was doing. Do you think we should let Samuel sleep with him tonight so they can keep each other company?

Well, just to clear the air, we did not keep this slithery buddy, nor did we ever think it could get any closer to the house/Samuel than he did (I spotted it when we were a good 30 feet away). It gave me the willies, I grabbed Samuel and sprinted into the house yelling for John to come take care of it. He helped it get back to the other side of the fence to a safer home.


Greta said...

That is completely creepy and I can't look at it.
I haaaaate snakes.

Where in the World are the Powells said...

I definitely ran to the house, with Samuel in toward, screaming like a girl! Ryan just laughed. I won't go out in the back yard without checking thoroughly now.

The Carpenters said...

I am so deeply bothered by this guy! I was just in your backyard - does that qualify as a "near death experience"? :)

Laura said...

Yes, "The Carpenters" I do believe that qualifies. And for the LOVE! Why didn't you just have him kill it?!?! *shudder*