26 weeks and counting

We went to the doctor today for a routine check-up.  Ryan went with me because we got the opportunity for yet another ultrasound and who could pass up a chance to see ones baby growing.  All reports are good!  We went for another viewing because of a spot that was found on our son's heart during our last ultrasound.  My current NC doctor wanted to check it out for himself, so we humored him!  All is well!  We did find out that our little one is right on track, weighing about 2 pounds and at this rate it looks like he might actually come early.  Only 3 days, and the ultrasound technician said not to get our hopes up, but we couldn't resist-early is early...and if it is for real he might come on his grandfathers (Mr. Powell) birthday!  Anyway, RYan discovered how boring these routine visits are.  You enter the offfice, go to the bathroom, get weighed and blood pressure taken.  Then you wait for about 45 minutes to see the doctor for about 5-10 minutes depending on whether you have any questions, and then you are on your way!  Silly, I know, but I'm sure they catch random things by you visiting each month.  That's about all I have to report for now!  I will try to maybe post some ultrasound pics soon, they are pretty cool!


The Wyatts said...

You look fantastic :)

Greta said...

Grace - you look great!
And just wait...the appointments will get more "interesting".